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Showing posts from January 13, 2008

La Placadita

For me to awaken on a deserted beach is about as close to heaven as I can get, the vibrations are perfect, the music of las olas crashing fills my brain, the stars fading away to a golden sunrise, it is peace, it is paz. I pulled into town around dark, and followed my nose, they say the olfactory system has the easiest access to memory, and the smell of fresh tortillas and perfectly prepared carne is something one can never forget, I took a few minutes to breathe, give thanks and organise myself, have a quick sponge bath and just enjoy the stillness of my surroundings. I popped out of the car bouyed by the promises of tasty delights, there were seven or eight tables on the street, each table holding un grande plato, on the plate was a cornucopia of fixin´s, guacamole, salsa, frijoles, cabbage, limon and chilis, I took a table with a local man named Tony, we spoke of where we lived, and where life was taking us, at the table to my left sat 4 young travelers from Napa valley, they carrie