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Repost of initial post

It seems a little surreal that it is almost the end of February and I
am finally in San Diego ready to cross the border to Mexico once again,
driving down past the Military encampment at San Onofre yesterday I
couldnt help but remember the last time I attempted to flee the good
ole USofA.

That time the route was by sea, after months of preparation on a 40'
Trimaran, fairly well hungover from a night of ecstatic loveliness,
surrounded by a crew of like minded creatures.

We completed our magical 30 hours on the sea when we came upon Point
Loma, got entangled in the kelp beds, cursed by the local fishermen,
overheated the motor and rounded the point only to be greeted by a
nasty show of military might, zodiacs packed with well trained killers
practicing thier craft, helicopters swarming like locust overhead, and
the Jen Sue limping slowly into a port she would never leave, but that
story can be told another day.

Today its the same only different, there is no hangover, no crew, and
mechanical malfunctions are thing of the past, (written one handed as I
vigorously knock my head) I am the solo pilot of my old trusty steed
"La Chingadera", with her ample rubber firmly planted on the road she is
widely recognized as a 1973 VW Thing, with my Surfboard Kayak, Dive
gear and Magic Carpet in tow I head for adventure, it is true that opposable
thumbs are almost a thing of the past after spending the last couple of
months completely rebuilding the beast, but having touched every nut
and bolt on her many times over the last several months I feel secure and
safe knowing she will take me where I am supposed to be(a little r&r
should cure the strained thumbs or maybe they are just training for a
long hitchhiking adventure.).

I intend to roll slowly back in time down the length of Baja California
to get my Surfing groove on and get an up close and personal look at
Grey Whales calving while escaping the consumer model that is the USA.

I am feeling entirely prepared and ready for a humble and simple

I will be away from computers, phones, and most advertising images for
the next couple of weeks until I am able to post again, hopefully with
pictures and stories for you my friends and all other interested
parties as well.

Until then may you all experience toxic levels of Love, Light, Laughter
and Joy.........


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