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My life is sweet!

I dont even know where to begin, what an amazing adventure this is, well worth the wait, I find myself in a tiny puebla in the state of Michoacan, just above Lazaro Cardenes (see map) there is just too much beauty to put into words, there is really no way of blogging it as it happens, (or there would be no time for it to unfold)so I will just try and share a few tid bits here and there the rest will have to wait for a rainy day...

I woke this morning to the sound of laughter, I was at a little hotel on the coast south of Puerto Vallarta, and a tour bus of Vacationers from Guadalajara took the place over, it was time to get up anyways, so I got rolling, to the music of people checking in for a weekend of tranquility and playing on the sea, it doesnt get much better, i showered, and jumped in the car excited to see what lay ahead, I pulled slowly onto the main drag of town, waved at the kids and shop keepers then stopped and grabbed some Watermelon from the Fruteria, found a secluded spot, had a little toke, and blared Stephen Marleys latest and dropped into such an amazing groove, driving slow, singing loudy, my senses filled with sites and sounds, no stresses no worries, just a simple morning of driving, appreciating the amazing beauty that is my life.

About an hour down the road I spotted these four kids hitching, well, I spotted one (the other three were trying to lay low and out of site) anyways, apparantly there was a mis-communication with a bus driver and they were at least another 10km to the spot they wanted to go, so we decided to do a little suspension check on La Chingaders, loaded the boys and the boards and bounced on down the road.

Our destination was an old abandoned Hotel, that was meant to have a great wave, just me, my gear, 4 surfers and boards, we weaved slowly down an amazingly well kept road, the surfers were as happy as I was when we got out to the coast, and what looked to be a completey deserted golden beach lay ahead, I drove down to the seaside and the 5 of us just marveled at what a cool spot it was, the wave where we were wasnt all that, so we headed north a bit and were blessed with a grinding right break that was easily double or triple overhead, with no one in site they were totally stoked, I considered hanging around to watch them surf,but I have a car to deliver so I rolled out, when I last looked in my rearview 4 happy kids were ready to paddle out for a solitary session that is destined to be a moment they will never forget... Thanks for needing a ride boys..


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